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Active for Christ Blog

Featured Active for Christ Participant, Linda Lawrence

Psalm 37:4

Take delight in the Lord,

and he will give you the desires of your heart.

I’ve seen my sights regarding this evolve over time as I have come to know the Lord more and more.


Linda Lawrence

Running Since: 2012

Location: Sterling, Virginia

Why run?

Until 8 years ago, you couldn’t get me to run. I’d walk and do aerobic workouts but never running. That year my daughter had been encouraging me to workout with her and one of her friends and we would run up to our church, workout, and run back at 6 in the morning. I would lag behind and she’d yell for me to keep running. Then our church organized a 5k to raise money for missions. That was my start. I was 55 years old. It was very empowering. As a post menopausal woman, I had seen the weight start to creep on. So running was a most efficient way of reving my metabolism. Running has also raised my confidence to try something I was never good at before.

I’ve missed the local races because of Covid but this has helped expand my horizons to a much bigger group of friends and family!!

On Prayer:

Prayer has helped me to keep my eyes on Jesus and not myself. It has also helped me to care for those I may be running near but not able to reach out and touch with my physical hands but Jesus is able to touch them for me.


Follow @clncrn on Instagram

If you would like to share your "Why Run" story, email us at

Thank you!

Updated: Jun 6, 2020

Featured Active for Christ participant, Angela Phillips

"God literally brought people TO ME who needed to hear His truth and see His deep love for them."

1 Corinthians 9:24-27

The Need for Self-Discipline

24 Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. 25 Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. 26 Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air. 27 No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize


Angela Phillips:

Running since:  2017 Location:  Texas Why Run? “I run because it draws me to Jesus;  it reminds me of my desperation for Him.  I run with purpose in every step.  God has given me a very surprising and unlikely mission field because of my running.  It allows me to reach lost people and encourage struggling  believers." On Prayer.. “…I hear God’s voice most clearly when I run….since I struggle so much when I run, He has my FULL attention.” My go to running/life scripture: 1 Corinthians 9:26 (verses 24-27) Why I signed up for the 5k/10k Active for Christ Virtual Run “I’ve been struggling with regaining my discipline in a healthy lifestyle and I knew this would help get me focused and keep my mind where God wants it."



  • ..I was NEVER a runner or an athlete. In June 2018, I began training for The NYC Marathon. As I trained alone in the Texas summer, God began to show me His desire for my running, and I began to pray that He would use me to share His love with the people in a city that was under such scrutiny at the time by so many Christians, (This was right after NY voted for The Reproductive

God began to show me His desire for my running.

Health Act) and the people of NY were hearing so much disapproval from Christians across the country.

I ran with a secular charity, and God literally brought people TO ME who needed to hear His truth and see His deep love for them. Then, in 2019, I was asked to mentor that charity’s runners, which allowed God to bring MORE people into my life from ALL ACROSS THE WORLD!

I was the most unqualified person on earth to reach the running community of New York City...until God put me there. ❤️

Follow @brandnewrunner on Instagram

Let your voice be heard.  Share your running testimony here with others that desire to stay Active for Christ!

Updated: May 15, 2020

Let me count the ways of how beneficial running can be. So many reasons to start or re-start.

with covid19 lingering these days, hygiene, healthy food choices and exercising have been a top priority.

So why not let running be your go to exercise or physical activity?

Its about sticking with it!

before I started my running journey approximately nine years ago, I enjoyed playing basketball and going for an occasional hike, and would get winded fairly easily. I had no endurance and thought it was just the way things were to go as I was in my 30's. Little did I know that running not only helped me become more efficient on the court but it challenged me like I had never been challenged before. My desire to give it my all for at least a month paid off as I felt more energy overall daily. As the years went by I quickly realized my immune system was much stronger. Without fail, twice a year, I had a two week battle with flu like systems or an allergy related cold with all the fixings of sore throat, stuffy nose and pink eye on occasion. it was no fun. I realized when I started running I would rarely get these symptoms. I could feel my body getting stronger as I continued my running journey. what a blessing and joy it was to be able to continue my efforts at the same time learn how to run with proper form and incorporate strength training and stretches. I encourage you if you haven't already, to make these changes. They key is to stick with it and dig deep. I guarantee you will feel a difference.

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