inspire unity in Christ through a daily prayer life and an active exercise lifestyle.
Run Pray Daily 2022 Challenge Group

Start Date: 1-1-2022
Angie Medors / @angiemedors
I'm Angie!! I'm from northern Indiana and began running in 2009 because I wanted to run in a local 5k race. Never would I have imagined that 12 years later I would be a 2x marathoner along with a couple dozen half-marathons. I love running (most of the time) and I'm so grateful for how it helps my mental health. I often say I'm a much better mother, wife, friend, employee, etc. etc. when I am consistently getting my runs in. I can give Jesus a lot of credit for my mental health too. I spent 8 years working in ministry for my church and recently left my position to pursue a lifelong dream of becoming a teacher. It was so clear that God was showing me that is was time for that journey. So with 2 kids in college, one in high school, while I was marathon training and taking my grad classes 2 nights a week, I left a job I absolutely loved to embark as a 7th grade English teacher. Running has helped keep me grounded amongst all the crazy changes of 2021! In 2022 I plan to train on more trails and embrace a few trail races, including 2 trail half marathons and a Ragnar trail relay! Looking forward to the Run Pray Daily 2022 Challenge with Active for Christ.
One of my favorite scriptures. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not into your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

Start Date: 1-1-2022
Elizabeth Miller / @endurance4you
I started running almost 9 years ago basically because a friend invited me to do a color run with her! I didn't realize that 5k would lead to the desire to qualify for Boston as well as become a Run Coach and spread Jesus through running! I use running now as a way to spread Jesus to others whether it's through coaching my athletes or my own racing. Each run has a purpose. Some days I'll use my runs to have solitude with Jesus, to listen to worship music, or to challenge myself because when I feel weak, I know I can always rely on God's strength to get me through. My most recent marathon was the Houston marathon in January, I finally caught my Boston Qualifying time! That was the first race I have ever done without music and I was in tune not only with my body but running step by step with God. I fully surrendered this race to Him, and I will never listen to music again during a race! He showed me what it was like to "Be still" with Him for 26.2 miles. "Be still, and know that I am God, and "I do believe, help my unbelief." Mark 9:24. My Run Coaching business, Endurance4You is based on Hebrews 12:1-2.

Start Date: 1-1-2022
Hannah Maple / @shepandtrooper
My name is Hannah and I am a Stay-at-home/homeschool mother of 6. I run because I can! I know it sounds simple, but I am so grateful to live in a country and time where I am even allowed to run, as it hasn't always been. Even in America up until the 1960's, it was heavily frowned upon if women ran more than a mile and was thought it would damage their frail frame or cause their uterus to fall out. I am grateful I can run because I don't have any physical disabilities that prevent it, as I recognize there are many, many people in that situation. I am grateful I can run because I watched my mom suffer from severe mental health issues, and have many family members struggling and I know running helps keep my mind balanced. I run because I want to encourage my kids to be active. I run because I like to have big goals (that don't include how many loads of laundry I can do in a day!) I like to challenge myself. And lastly (but not least) I run to praise God! I am blessed to live in the countryside and when I run I can think, pray, sing and enjoy God's beautiful Creation!
My favorite running verse is Phillipians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.' I write it on my arm in Sharpie marker for every race because I know it's not me, but Him.

Start Date: 1-1-2022
Julian Macias / @runwithendurance
Nearly 11 years ago, I made a decision to pursue endurance running. On one of my very first runs I asked one of my Pastors to run with me and told him my vision of running because I believed I could use this hobby as vehicle to inspire others to get active and healthy. What led me to this point? Well its a long story, but it stems from having a great lack of energy, always feeling like I had to sit down or lay down and amongst other things I was not very healthy bottom line. Diabetes and cancer have contributed to the passing of many of my immediate family members including my Mom, Dad and little sister. I simply had to do something. It was one of the best decisions of my life. I've been running and praying, giving God the glory, ever since. 5k's turned to 10k's and then to Half Marathons and then completing my first marathon (pictured) a few years back. My family are awesome supporters and I've met so many wonderful people and organizations along the way including Fellowship of Christian Athletes and the Children's Hunger Fund. Active for Christ was developed to unite others to run and pray daily. I hope the community of runners and prayer warriors blesses you.

Start Date: 1-1-2022
Tammy Sorensen / @a.grace.filled.life
Why I run: I run because I enjoy it. I enjoy being outside. I enjoy running by myself. I feel like when I'm running I can think/pray/work through all kinds of things. It gets me ready for the day. It brings me joy.
Why I pray daily: Daily praying has been something that has not come easy for me, but the challenge of praying through the 50 states last year really helped me. Focusing on something other than, how am I feeling and how fast am I going, really improved both my running and prayer life. I no longer focused on me, but on others and especially on Jesus. Prayer changes us as we focus on God and who He is.
My favorite scripture verse for running, or really for life, is Hebrews 12:1,2 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.